Drink the potent concoction!
We've been hard into The Elder Scrolls Online again for a while now. It's a really good game, if compared to other MMOs, definitely. Not with the exact level of immersion of other TES games, but pretty good, with less and less standard MMO features. So mixi and I are now through the main story of 2 of the 3 factions of ESO and there are some reoccuring subjects every region seems to have. It's only a little boring at those point, but somehow quite hillarious!
"DRINK THE POTENT CONCOCTION!" Clan leaders, novice mages and crazy tribe elders keep shoving drugs our way on a regular basis! We'll have "visions" they say, about their "past" and for some reason we have to fight in vicious battles as some old, long dead hero and wake up with pokets full of ancient gear we collected during those "visions". Our characters must be crazy junkies by now. Or have some serious brain damage. My main char is a master alchemist, so she should actually have the option to voice reasonable doubt and refuse or at least check what's in it exactly!
A quick scribble of our secondary chars, mine's the kitty templar
bowman ;)
Master & Apprentice Page 0039 - 15-09-2016
There, done and done: next comic page and... AND finally the blog. Mixi (my husband <3) worked so hard on this (all but the images of course, that was me) I am so happy! \o/ It's not completely done, yet, the gallery is a work in progress, but this much is already amazing. Ok, about this page. Well, you see, I think every civilization has a stage of ugly blankets as soon as they find out how to weave or discover how to extract new colours from beetles and ores.
+ −Master & Apprentice Page 0032 - 08-07-2016
Had to play the "which-green-did-I-use?" game again. This time even a variation called "what-brown-is-that?". Makes for some very colourful borders around the page (I use A4 paper, but the pages are A5 in size).
Yes, I tried to draw really small caurus eggs and tap root...
By the way… I feel a bit awkward about it, but… In case you'd like to support me in some way: I am on patreon, now. https://www.patreon.com/kyrienotatio
Though, some feedback or anything close to that whould already be a huge help!
Thank you, for listening and any future support.
+ −Master & Apprentice Page 0031 - 23-06-2016
Yes, of course he's not wearing pants. Duh! But underwear, probably.
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