Thea - The Awakening: The Bear
Thea is an amazingly adictive game. It has strategy, is turn based, has a lot of random events and stays challenging even after turn 400! But most importantly: it has named characters. You level them up, equip them with awesome dragon bone mythril swords, name them after ponies and grow awfully attached to them... I... I have a bear in my team since very early on... a BEAR! He leveled so much that now he is one of my most intelligent villagers, can do magic and even gained some level of attractiveness.
That's not even the funny part.
Just imagine a huge, dangerous looking bear... cooking meals for his/her friends, patch up their wounds (because he/she learned some medic skills) and carry a basket into the forest to collect those yummy fruits...
/me drifted off and is now busy laughing her ass off